Friday, October 22, 2010

What's this about the hiccups?

Post-script on yesterday's bonk. Robin will tell you that I often make strange belching noises during the night - but last night was something entirely different.  The bus dropped us off at Nizzana, which is a field school on the border with Egypt in the desert, where they run a large guest house.  During dinner, I developed an incredible case of hiccups that simply would not go away.  I was lucky that they had accidentally given me a single room,. because the suckers would not go away.  I'd think they were gone and doze for an hour or so, and then they would wake me up!  I walked around the room, read some, and the cycle repeated.  They even came back in the morning.  Pretty freaky.

1 comment:

  1. Lester, it sounds absolutely amazing. I'm glad I can live through your experiences vicariously!
