Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Looking Ahead


It is hard to believe that we are already looking forward to the 2020 Israel Ride - though I know that planning for each ride starts long before the preceding ride ever kicks off.  I  understand the complex logistics of pulling off a ride like this,  but I was very disappointed to learn that the dates for the 2020 ride had shifted, with the ride ending the day before the 2020 presidential elections here in the states.  I am sad to inform my even-year friends (and those who ride every year) and my Ride supporters, that I must break my many years long tradition of riding every other year, and will miss the 2020 ride.  This is a very personal decision, but I believe it is important to be home in the week leading up to the election, and I will not risk the chance that a Monday night getaway from Eilat will be delayed, resulting in not being home when the returns come in on Tuesday.  I will miss my even-year friends, and hope to see some of you on the 2021 ride - though that seems very far away.

I remain deeply committed to the cause supported by the Israel Ride.  The Arava Institute is doing critical work, but in the science of environmental protection and in advancing cross-border cooperation and trust.  Likewise Hazon is promoting important environmental initiatives here in the states.  I urge my donors to continue their support and I look forward to hearing from all of you in 2021.



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